Wednesday, June 15, 2011

E3 Wrap up

Well E3 has come and gone for another year and as always has sent the gaming world into a frenzy with its announcements.

Nintendo has given a name to their newest console calling it the Wii U. I get that the U stands for you so why not have a laugh and put it at the start not at the end... Because that's the sound you make when you play, Wiiiiiiii! It features a rather interesting controller that has a built in touch screen that you can interact with while gaming (probably serve the same purpose the touch screen on the Nintendo DS does) and allows you to keep playing even when the Tv is switched off. The design of it looks a lot like what you would get if a Wii and an Xbox 360 had a baby. In terms of games for it on release Skyward sword will not be one of them. However Nintendo has not ruled out that the next Legend of Zelda game will be released on the Wii U. There's no set release date for the Wii U but its expected to hit shelves some time in the middle of 2012.

Duke Nukem Forever has finally been released. I've yet to play it but after 13 odd years it should be good.
It was on display at E3 more for developers Gearbox to say 'We made it, look we're not lying. here it is' rather than to actually show off the game. I wonder what Gearbox are going to work on next. Borderlands 2?

More details for Mass Effect 3. It will use the voice control feature on the Kinect to allow you to put your voice in game and probably talk to the characters. Unless they fix the Kinect so that us Aussies can use the voice control feature at all I doubt we will ever get to use that little perk. Unless you can do a really good American accent. Still on games Saints Row: The Third is looking better and better the more I see it. It seems like you're going to be able to do more wild and crazy stuff that the games series prides itself on. Like shooting... while free falling from an airplane.

Finally its my birthday tomorrow and if you like feel free to wish me a happy birthday on my facebook page.

Till next week.


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