Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CGBC is on (sorry for not saying more)

I was going to write about how we're at the tail end of CGBC 2011 and how awesome it has been so far but it's just because of that I can't. I am absolutely knackered and I've been up late working along with my good friends at Level 3 to make it awesome.

So I'm just going to say sorry for no post or even some back up news but I promise that next weeks post will have the lot. But in the mean time feel free to watch all the action live online here.

Till next week I'm gonna get some sleep,


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I don't know how else to reach you, so I thought I'd just leave a comment eh?  I'm Rob Caraway, owner of and we are looking to bring aboard some aspiring game writers. 

    You can write about what you want, how you want and when you want.  We have no plans to stop and eventually will be giving passes to Pax, E3 and the likes to our dedicated writers.

    To respond, and for more information shoot me an email at dejiac[at]


    Rob Caraway
